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2008-07-02 - 2008-07-05 Philadelphia USA (207 photos)
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  The grave of Benjamin Franklin, at Christ Church Burial Ground  
  philadelphia_037 - 268 kb - 1024x768 - 4536 views
Thu 2008-07-03 11:11:48

The grave of Benjamin Franklin, at Christ Church Burial Ground
 Photos with similar description: 
 42.13 73. The grave of Benjamin Franklin, at Christ Church Burial Ground 
 41.68 74. Inscription at the grave of Benjamin Franklin, at Christ Church Burial Ground 
 34.63 38. Inscription of the Chronology of Benjamin Franklin, at Christ Church Burial Ground 
 20.87 72. Christ Church Burial Ground 
 19.78 39. Miaomiao, an Independence Day actor and an explanation on Christ Church Burial Ground 
 18.04 33. The Franklin Court, with the steel outline of Benjamin Franklin`s House 
 15.12 23. Plaque of Benjamin Franklin at the Signers Walk 
 15.12 138. The Benjamin Franklin Bridge, from Penn`s Landing 
 14.79 195. Independence Day fireworks at the Benjamin Franklin Parkway, by night 
 14.79 196. Independence Day fireworks at the Benjamin Franklin Parkway, by night 

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