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2009-09-12 - 2009-09-14 Changsha China (115 photos)
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  Old buildings of Central South University  
  changsha_1_081 - 278 kb - 768x1024 - 1218 views
Sun 2009-09-13 16:56:14

Old buildings of Central South University
 Photos with similar description: 
 18.41 80. Miaomiao with two busts at the old buildings of Central South University 
 14.08 83. Old building of Central South University 
 14.08 82. Old building of Central South University 
 14.08 85. Old building of Central South University 
 14.08 84. Old building of Central South University 
 13.63 87. School of Basic Medical Sciences of Central South University 
 13.63 76. School of Basic Medical Sciences of Central South University 
 13.63 77. School of Basic Medical Sciences of Central South University 
 13.49 78. Miaomiao at the School of Basic Medical Sciences of Central South University 
 13.21 79. Miaomiao with a poster of her former department at the School of Basic Medical Sciences of Central South University 

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