Tue 2014-05-13 17:17:56 Latitude: 17056881.8534 - Longitude: 17056881.8534 - Direction: 90.00° Nave, apse and altar of the Duomo di Siracusa cathedral | ||||
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25.61 285. Choir, apse and altar of the Duomo di Siracusa cathedral | ||||
25.61 283. Choir, apse and altar of the Duomo di Siracusa cathedral | ||||
25.34 308. Pulpit, choir, apse and altar of the Duomo di Siracusa cathedral | ||||
21.26 286. Nave of the Duomo di Siracusa cathedral | ||||
21.03 311. Ceiling of the nave of the Duomo di Siracusa cathedral | ||||
21.03 310. Ceiling of the nave of the Duomo di Siracusa cathedral | ||||
20.64 281. Altar in the left chapel of the Duomo di Siracusa cathedral | ||||
20.58 293. Stained glass windows at the nave of the Duomo di Siracusa cathedral |