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2016-04-14 Den Bosch Netherlands (40 photos)
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  City wall and the west side of the Stadsgracht canal at the Zuiderpark  
  denbosch_7_002 - 342 kb - 1024x768 - 281 views
Thu 2016-04-14 09:35:23
Latitude: 17056881.8534 - Longitude: 17056881.8534 - Direction: 315.00°

City wall and the west side of the Stadsgracht canal at the Zuiderpark
 Photos with similar description: 
 32.92 4. Gate in the city wall and the pedestrian bridge over the west side of the Stadsgracht canal at the Zuiderpark 
 25.08 3. Statue of a figure from the painting `The Garden of Earthly Delights` of Hieronymus Bosch, at the west side of the Stadsgracht canal at the Zuiderpark 
 22.40 5. City wall at the west side of the Zuiderpark 

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