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2014-09-10 - 2014-09-18 Melbourne Australia (621 photos)
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  The City Circle Tram at Flinders Street  
  melbourne_042 - 180 kb - 1024x768 - 565 views
Wed 2014-09-10 15:33:29
Latitude: 17056881.8534 - Longitude: 17056881.8534 - Direction: 135.00°

The City Circle Tram at Flinders Street
 Photos with similar description: 
 27.40 48. Miaomiao in the City Circle Tram, with a view on the front of the Flinders Street Railway Station at the crossing of Flinders Street and St. Kilda Road 
 25.41 50. Facade of St. Paul`s Cathedral at Flinders Street, viewed from the City Circle Tram 
 24.90 49. St. Paul`s Cathedral at the crossing of Flinders Street and Swanston Street, viewed from the City Circle Tram 
 24.89 51. Buildings at the crossing of Flinders Street and Chapter House Lane, viewed from the City Circle Tram 
 19.25 57. Front of the City Circle Tram at Spring Street 
 19.04 58. Miaomiao in front of the City Circle Tram at Spring Street 
 18.65 53. Front of the Old Treasury Building at Spring Street, viewed from the City Circle Tram 
 18.46 55. Front of the Victoria Parliament House at Spring Street, viewed from the City Circle Tram 
 16.48 54. The Gordon Reserve and the tower of St. Patrick`s Cathedral, viewed from the City Circle Tram 
 15.44 460. Wellington Parade, viewed from the tram at the crossing of Flinders Street and Spring Street 

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